Grande Ville

september 27 — november 17 2024
In autumn 2024, the Magasins Généraux present "Grande Ville" [Big City]: an exhibition and a series of events aimed at exploring  the ways we live in and navigate the city today while fostering the imagination of new urban utopias.
Grande ville, exposition, collective, Magasins Généraux, Pantin, Jean Claracq

Grande Ville

Big cities, often perceived as sprawling, dense, and impersonal, face significant challenges in reclaiming the affection of their inhabitants and visitors despite their dynamism and cultural richness.

Through the perspectives of artists from all over the world and of all ages, "Grande Ville" seeks to outline new utopias and urban convivialities, in order to make our cities, neighborhoods and streets more open, inclusive, ecological, welcoming and desirable, while reconsidering our ways of building communities there on a daily basis. By bringing together various forms of expression—from painting to sculpture, photography, and immersive installations—the exhibition aims to generate imaginations— sometimes with humor, always with poetry and generosity—to reinvent and re-enchant the way urban spaces can be invested and shaped. In Paris, Marseille, New York, Beijing or Kinshasa, it may be a matter of making small gestures, of taking the time to live and observe, of being aware of and seizing what is already there…

This exhibition is conceived as a deep immersion into the dreams and reflections of artists on the city, likely to inspire those who visit it. By uniting visions and voices, it seeks to encourage the emergence of concrete proposals to reshape city centers and suburbs into places for sharing, encounter and creativity.

With : Sinzo Aanza, Iván Argote, Marie Bovo, Sonia Chiambretto, Jean Claracq, Liz Christy, Delphine Dénéréaz, Alexander Gronsky, Chourouk Hriech, Bodys Isek Kingelez, Tadashi Kawamata, (LA) HORDE, Carlota Sandoval Lizarralde, Randa Maroufi, Robin Plus, Gaby Sahhar, Franck Scurti, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Eric Winkler, Yin Xiuzhen

Curated by Anna Labouze & Keimis Henni

© Marc Domage
© Marc Domage
© Marc Domage
© Marc Domage
3 weeks exhibition23 artists
3 weeks exhibition23 artists
3 weeks exhibition23 artists
3 weeks exhibition23 artists
23 artists3 weeks exhibition
23 artists3 weeks exhibition
23 artists3 weeks exhibition
23 artists3 weeks exhibition